
GWT Callback parameter should be defined as final

It is convenient to just write java code and got converted into JavaScript. however there is a common compile error that will cause the compiler not able to compile the source code into java script. one of them is to provide a
*final* call back object with will be used inner class.

for example, in the following pseudo method:
public class JZCallBackService{

public void createObject(Foo dto, final CallbackObject callback) {

Ajax.Call(URL, new RestfulCallback() {
public void onSuccessful(Request request, Response response) {
if the CallbackObject is not defined as final, gwt compile will not be able to compile this class and an exception that JZCallBackService is not available to be used.


How to add Phontomjs to JasperReport Studio 6.3 for Custom Visualisation Components

1. Download phantomjs from website

2. Extract to local disk:

3. In windows:
Control Panel\System and Security\System

Advanced system settings->Advanced->Environment Variables

Update the path variable with
path = ..;C:\tool\phantomjs-2.1.1-windows\bin

4. Restart Jaspersoft Studio and start adding Custom Visulisation Components.

Here is the more detailed version from other author



The Event Calendar-Ploylang

The Event Calendar is a very nice plugins for WordPress site, however, the Author is not considering the option of adding support for Ploylang plugins.

To fill this gap. I developed this plugins. you can upload the plugins to your WordPress site and activate it.

Download the the-event-calendar-ploylang




How to Add custom domain name with amazon aws service and HTTPS/HTTP

After create an web app using aws, it is time to consider adding some security connection to the web app.




Knockoutjs Attr Binding tips

KnockoutJS is a MVVC framework which is very handy and light weight compared to AngularJS.  This post is to share a question I have face when work with the Attr Binding.

in IE8/9 if you want to use the Attribute Binding, it is better to put a Quote the attribute such that it would be able to avoid some keyword conflicting issue. ie: the ‘for’ attribute of a Label tag will cause knockoutjs failed to parse the tag.

<input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio1">
 <label data-bind="attr: {for:id}, text:label"></label>
<script type="text/javascript">
 var viewModel = function(){
      var self = this; = ko.observable("radio1");
      self.label ="Yes - click me to check the button";

Try this out

it will not work in IE8/IE9, but will work in Chrome/Firefox/iOS8+/IE11+

BI Solution

Missing js.jive.vm.css file in jasperserver 6.0.1

I have deployed the jasperserver 6.0.1 with war file format to my tomcat server. I have noticed that there is an error shows up in firebug for missing js.jive.vm.css file.

Since it is a css file, it should be fine to just create a mock css file with the same name and put it in the tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/optimized-scripts/


Tips:Using Variables in JasperReport

When displaying the result from database, sometime we want to do something before we display the data. For example, you don’t want to display the question of pregnancy test result for a patient whom is male in the report.

There are many ways to do that. One way I have done is to create a Variables within the Dataset.  I can then refer to the same Variable in other Variables. One important aspect for Variable is that the order. You want to define the variable Prior to use it just as any programmer language.

BI Solution

BI solution with JasperServer 6.0.1

TIBCO (TM) JasperReports Server (R) Community Project 6.0.1 Release, please check it out here: